Mapeks Organics An organic journey that extends to the world Mon, 17 Jan 2022 13:35:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mapeks Organics 32 32 What is Ecological Agriculture? How To Do It? Sun, 05 Dec 2021 07:12:30 +0000 Food is life. The foods we grow and eat characterize our culture while keeping our bodies alive and are among the defining factors of what we are.

“Ecological agriculture; It protects soil, water and climate, ensures healthy agriculture, produces healthy foods for today and tomorrow, supports biodiversity, does not harm the environment with chemical drugs and genetic engineering.” Greenpeace Research Labs Dr. This is how Reyes Tirado defines ecological agriculture.

One of the necessary priorities for making ecological farming is applying to the certification committee. There is no limitation on the basis of variety and species for the product to be planted in the field, but the product to be planted must be produced without the use of chemical pesticides and hormones. Diseases and pests should be controlled in the soil to be planted and planting should be started after this control stage. Another issue to be considered during planting is that the same crop should not be planted in the same field in agricultural areas. This situation causes the soil to become poorer, the nutrient resources in the soil to decrease and the diseases to increase in the planted plant. For this reason, monoculture applications should be avoided and crop rotation planning should be done. Then, attention should be paid to irrigation in the planting area, and resources should be used efficiently and in a planned manner.

Another point to be considered in organic farming is the equipment to be used. There is no limitation on the basis of equipment, but the condition to be considered when using the equipment is that the equipment to be used should be designed in a way that does not disturb the organic structure of the product and field.

In organic agriculture, all stages during the production stages, that is, from production to reaching the consumer, are inspected and certified by authorized independent certification bodies. When the product reaches the end consumer, thanks to the certificate logo, the consumer can easily follow the conditions under which that product was produced and the stages of the production. Ecological production is not limited to vegetables and fruits only. In addition to these, many product types such as cotton, wool, toothpaste, shampoo and cosmetic products are produced and certified according to the principles of ‘ecological production’.

As a result, organic or ecological agriculture includes human and environment-friendly production systems aimed at re-establishing the natural balance lost with faulty practices as a result of intensive agriculture. With this system, it is aimed to make a quality production by applying organic and green fertilization and crop rotation, as well as using inputs that do not affect the produced product in the agricultural land.

Top 7 Reasons To Eat Organic Foods Sun, 05 Dec 2021 07:11:26 +0000 Organic foods are while necessary, not a big part of our lives, but they should be. Unfortunately, in today’s world, getting organic foods into your system is harder than ever. Because even the simplest foods go through some kind of process to either make their shelf life longer or make them more appealing to customers. But what if we told you that going the organic route is not only better, but it is the greatest change that you can make in your life, o is it worth all the trouble? The first reason to eat organic is that you will be avoiding chemicals and added substances, and bringing fewer chemicals into your body will increase your life quality by a lot. Second, you will be eating foods that are higher in nutritional value. This means more vitamins and minerals that can be used for your body. Third, you will avoid GMOs. Nowadays, it is unfortunately really hard to avoid GMOs because nearly every fruit and vegetable is enhanced with them in some way or another. But if you choose from the right source, your body will thank you in the long run.

The fourth reason to eat organic foods is that you will reduce pollution and protect the water and the soil. Because of added chemicals, non-organic food pollutes our world when thrown away. Fifthly, you support farming directly because most of the sources that sell organic foods are farmers and their children. Sixthly, you keep the future of our children and our world safe, because you do not support the use of chemicals and GMOs by buying non-organic food. And the last reason to eat organic foods is that your food will taste better. Because there are no added chemicals, the food actually tastes better, and who knows, maybe you can show off your cooking skills, and make the food taste even better! So what are you waiting for, go organic!

Eating For Heart Healt Sun, 05 Dec 2021 07:10:28 +0000 Other than our brain, the heart is the most important organ in our body. However, we see that there is no real effort done to protect the health of the heart. There is exercising for our lungs and muscles, not smoking for our lungs, and not consuming alcohol for our heart, and while it can be argued that these things affect our heart as well, that would be true, but there does not seem to be anything that we can do to directly improve our heart health. Although in reality, there is something that we can do, and easily so, to improve our heart health, and that is our diet. Eating well and having a balanced diet is the first and most important thing that we have to do for our heart health, but what should we do exactly in this diet? Do not worry, it is not something magical that will throw your whole eating habits away, and certainly not something that you do not see in your everyday life.

The first thing to look for when eating for heart health is to eat green. Meaning you have to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and whole green foods. These foods contain different forms of vitamins and minerals that our body needs to function and with the added benefit of having fibers and antioxidants, you have a recipe to prevent heart disease. The second thing is including various foods that are rich in protein. In case you did not know, the heart is a muscle, and no other muscle works harder than the heart. Even when we sleep, the heart continues to work, and what do muscles need the most: Protein. Eating foods that are rich in protein strengthens the heart and decreases the risk of heart attacks. The last, and maybe the most surprising thing that you should eat is fats. But not just any fats, so do not be quick to call your local burger restaurant and order the biggest burger on the menu. We are talking about healthy fats such as olive, sunflower, peanut, and avocadoes. These foods contain fats that our body can use effectively to fuel itself, and not only they do not clog your arteries, but they also help to lower your cholesterol. So what do you think, it is not so hard, right? If you think you can do it, go ahead and give your heart the support it needs by eating healthy.

Chase The Rainbow: Why Are Green Foods So Popular? Fri, 03 Dec 2021 07:18:21 +0000 Fruits and vegetables are the cornerstones of a healthy diet that can improve our quality of life, and increase our life span. Of course, we all know that we should eat fruits and vegetables: They are good for our health, and believe it or not, when prepared accordingly, they taste really good as well. They have many different implications in our meals, and they are one of the few food groups that can be eaten in breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Dieticians even advise people to eat them as snacks instead of candy and chocolates. While we all know these things, we are lacking one important piece of knowledge about eating them: Why? Why should we eat green foods, and more importantly, why are they so popular? First of all, they are the best source of antioxidants, meaning they are rich in essential minerals and vitamins such as vitamin A, E, and C, while also playing an essential role in protecting your body from viruses. Secondly, they are low in calories. This means that you do not have to try and commit to crazy diets to lose weight, you can just swap some of the foods you eat with green foods, and you are immediately on a journey to have a better body!

Lastly, another piece of information that many people do not know, you do not have to eat them: You can just drink them! This may be the most important reason why green foods are so popular nowadays because you can do something with them that you cannot do with any other food group: You can make a shake from foods like spinach, lime, and other green foods and get the nutrients that your body needs in less than 15 minutes! So, what are you waiting for, get your shaker and make the healthiest shake, your body will thank you!
